By EMS Revolution® Team 5 years agoNo Comments


Before carrying out any electrostimulation session, make sure that you have professional equipment that meets all the quality requirements (you have a lesson dedicated exclusively to this).

You must carefully choose your electrostimulation equipment: quality of the integral electrostimulation, type of device (wireless, third generation), certificate backup, etc.

Once the equipment is chosen, let us move on to the preparations prior to your training session:

  • First of all, and before starting any physical activity, we advise you take a Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q).

You can download the test for free from this link.

  • Secondly, if the result of this test is negative, we recommend that you visit your doctor to ensure that there are no specific contraindications to practicing any physical activity.

We now move on to establish and differentiate absolute contraindications (where the use of the electrostimulation system is totally prohibited as well as sports practice), from relative contraindications (which, depending on the degree of affectation, may or may not allow you to carry out the training).

Let us first look at the relative contraindications and then we will move on to the absolute ones:


(You need confirmation from your doctor)

  1.  Painful muscles
  2. Severe muscular atrophy
  3. Muscle spasms
  4.  Inflammatory joint problems



The magnetic field and alternating current can interfere with the functionality of the pacemaker. They can cause a misinterpretation of the electrical current in cardiac contraction, inhibiting the effect of the pacemaker and thereby the stimulation to the heart.

Let us avoid problems by limiting the use of these devices for patients with pacemakers. If the patient still insist on using it, disconnect the chest cables and make sure that his/her doctor has confirmed the practice of physical activity.


For patients with this type of pathology, where they are more susceptible to a repetitive epileptic attack, we recommend the prohibition of both EMS training equipment and sporting activity.


It is prohibited to apply electrical stimulation to the abdominal area in the second part of pregnancy.

However, after pregnancy and with the doctor’s permission, electrostimulation is very effective in rebuilding stress caused to the pelvic and abdominal muscles.

Phlebitis, febrile processes and thrombophlebitis

Electrical stimulation of the muscles can cause the rupture and disappearance of a blood clot or even the death of the patient.

Presence of serious illness or infection without medical advice 

If you have a fever, any physical activity is prohibited. Pathogens that reach the heart could cause serious heart disease.

Inguinal o abdominal hernia

Using the muscle stimulator will increase the pressure in the abdominal area, increasing the risk of worsening the hernia.

Significant arterial disorders

If the medical specialist determines or suspects a disease based on the user’s blood test, and therefore determines that the user is at high risk of thrombosis of any kind, the use of the stimulator is contraindicated.

The objective of making you aware of all these contraindications is informative, we do not want to scare you in any way, but if you want to provide a quality and totally safe service, you must know in detail both the positive effects and numerous benefits as well as the contraindications of the system.

Let us now go on to detail some recommendations to take into account when doing our training session.

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 EMS Revolution® Team

  (185 articles)

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