Electrofitness news


How can I find a personal trainer for EMS training? Does it worth it?

12 November, 2019
Today, the role of the workout trainer isn’t just focused on physical plan but also on an integrated training.

What is Virtual 360 Fit?

5 October, 2017
    What is Virtual 360 Fit? Virtual 360 Fit is a Spanish company specializing in the aplication of 3D technology with sports practice, being a pioneer in this field, to the point of being the first company in the world to combine virtual reality with the training of electrostimulation. In this way, Virtual 360 Fit combines in the same product sport, health and entertainment, Elevating sports training to a dimension never explored before. Virtual 360 Fit offers for their users the possibility to enjoy a unique experience, because its innovative and exclusive product character. With Virtual 360 Fit you can exercise your muscles in just one session of 20 minutes. So, with two workouts per week, you’ll reach the optimum shape, and you’ll see how your expectations will be fully satisfied. But not only that, with our innovative system, you can perform your usual sports exercises in the most fascinating environments in the world, while you will enjoy an entire sensory experience in which you will be the real protagonist. In addition, this new technology allows the total disconnection of reality, because we want the full immersion of the user in a different reality. Also, with Virtual 360 Fit you will discover a new kind of time and space. Enter wherever and whenever you want. Another advantage of Virtual 360 Fit is its constant development. And is that our designers are constantly updating and improving our software, generating new environments and training modalities. All of this with the sole purpose of pleasing our users, in order to achieve an experience without limits. Our workouts Our software consists of two modes, Dynamics and Personal Trainer. Thus, Dynamics is based on a linear circuit, which offers the user two possibilities: cycling and rowing. With this method you can do a rowing training in the Nile River or in the channels of the Grand Canyon of Colorado, or cycling the Chinese wall, among many other options. On the other hand, Personal Trainer (circular training) does not require any external element, since it only needs the glasses of virtual reality to submerge in a new reality. In this, the user will follow the indications of a personal trainer, who will select the exercises to perform and routines depending on the characteristics of the user himself.   WE ARE VR! www.emsrevolution.com www.virtual360fit.com

EMS Revolution at Спорт – Moscu

12 April, 2017
ELECTROSTIMULATION & VIRTUAL REALITY in Russia Come and meet us on 18, 19 and 20 April We invite you to visit the exhibition stand of our company at the international exhibition “Спорт” (Sport) 2017, which will be held from April 18 to 20, 2017 in the Sokolniki Culture and

New Official EMS Revolution Centers Page

22 February, 2017
Electrostimulation around the world In this blog article we wanted to tell you about the new section on our website official EMS Revolution centers. In it we will add all the centers that are opening worldwide with the EMS Revolution brand. We are pleased to present official centers in more than 15

EMS Revolution at MERCADO FITNESS – Argentina

31 January, 2017
Electrostimulation at Buenos Aires Friends of Argentina, we are in luck. The next April 21 and 22 EMS Revolution will travel to Buenos Aires. It will be at Mercado Fitness 13 ° Expo & Conferences 2017, the largest business meeting for businessmen and professionals of the Argentinean club and
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