By EMS Revolution® Team 5 years agoNo Comments
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Now we are going to detail in depth the most important aspects that will determine the choice of a professional and quality EMS training equipment.

Take the time to review all of them. Whichever equipment you choose, remember it is always important to choose quality.

To help you decide which electrostimulation machine to buy, you should check these factors:


Try to get a muscle stimulator that has a good relationship between purchase price and quality of the equipment manufactured.

As we are professionals, the most important thing when buying electrostimulation equipment is quality, but at what price?

Beware of brands that employ hundreds of people in the manufacturing and retail sectors because the cost will be much higher.


The muscle stimulator should give us the possibility to personalize all the settings that make up an electrical stimulation.

It must be able to change:

  • Depth (activation of superficial-deep muscle layer) 
  • Frequency (selection of the type of fiber to be worked) 
  • Contraction time 
  • Relaxation time 

These four parameters give us total freedom to personalize the training.

If you are a personal trainer or sports professional, your electrostimulation device must provide this.


We have said this several times, but it is never enough.

This is the most important requirement when buying your electrostimulation equipment. It can be expensive, but it can never be of poor quality.

The quality of the device can be divided into:

Material manufacturing quality

In order to verify the quality of the manufactured material, we recommend knowing and verifying the country of manufacture. Be careful not to confuse the headquarters or the address from where it is sent with the country where the materials are manufactured. If you have the occasion, ask the company to show you the place of manufacture.

Stimulus quality 

The quality of the stimulus is determined by the internal engineering of its components. The micro technology used and the quality of its materials will influence the generated stimulus responsible for the contraction.

We recommend that you check both the selling company (offices, managers and address) and the manufacturing quality certificates issued by the agency of each country.

  • CE mark
  • Electromagnetic compatibility certificate
  • Security certificate

Quality in the technology used

In addition to choosing the best quality for the manufacturing and the stimulus, make sure you choose the latest technology.

Incorporating the latest technology in your services will allow you to stand out from the rest of your competitors.

It will allow you to offer an excellent service that will turn into a higher rate of clients and customer loyalty.

Like many sectors, technology has also reached the EMS training industry.

In order to determine the quality of the technology used, we must look at two very important aspects:

Equipment generation and type of connection used.

1. Generation of the equipment:

The electrostimulation equipment has had a tremendous evolution since its beginnings. Nowadays we can differentiate three types of generations, according to the technology they use:

  • First generation: System with cables
  • Second generation: Wireless system
  • Third generation: Wireless system or Wireless system + total freedom of movement due to device independence.

2. Type of connection:

The type of connection used will determine two fundamental aspects.

  • Freedom of movement

The freedom that will allow you to enjoy your workout is determined by the type of generation of your EMS training equipment.

Nowadays, 3rd generation equipment have been developed that provide a totally wireless connection through Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or even radio frequency.

If you want total freedom while training, we recommend that you purchase 3rd generation equipment (independent devices that offer total freedom of movement) since it allows you to train in place not possible for 1st generation equipment.

They also offer greater freedom by not relying on a tablet device to function as in the second generation.

If you are a personal trainer and you are thinking of buying an electrostimulation equipment, these indications can be useful.

  • Training safety

The safety of the training is marked by the type of wireless connection that the device uses to communicate with the suit.

Nowadays, the wireless connection can be of three types:

  • Wi-Fi
  • Bluetooth
  •  Radio frequency

We recommend the use of radio frequency connection because the wave is much more stable. It is a very secure communication technology, used in radio.

Both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are very unstable connections.

Lack of data or interference with other devices can play a nasty trick on you, and not only on you as a trainer, but also on the user.

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 EMS Revolution® Team

  (185 articles)

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