Advantages of our unique electrostimulation system

By EMS Revolution® Team 9 years agoNo Comments
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The advantages of our unique EMS Revolution integral electrostimulation with electrodes system are listed below:

– INDEPENDENCE of the customer to face the same coach can control several people at once, joined the teaching support that provides the virtual trainer with more than 200 exercises. The software is continuously updated to satisfy our customers demand. In this way we make it even easier to use our electrostimulation machine .

– Objectivity and Quantification of training thanks to our monitoring software specialized in electro-physiological parameters by measuring heart rate.

With these two objectives we seek:

1) Reduce personnel costs of your business fit, because the client can train independently.

2) Increase Customer range of biosuit service by reducing the retail price.

3) Providing added value to the EMS product, thanks to the monitoring software and virtual coach.

The unique technology of EMS Revolution leads the electrical stimulation directly to more than 350 muscles, causing them to contract and relax in the same way that exercise, activating muscles that could never be activated with conventional exercise.

The unique electrostimulation system provides incredible results, with an spectacular and unsurpassed quality of training.

Visit our website to find the best EMS equipment for you and for more information about EMS training: EMS Revolution®

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 EMS Revolution® Team

  (185 articles)

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